Variable Part Codecs


The common N2SIP announcement framework is used by:

All of these applications support the functionality to include “variable parts” within an announcement, where the variable parts are a placeholder which can contain a variable with type being one of:

These variable parts are constructed by concatenating pre-recorded voice fragments, according to the standard “rules” for the relevant language.

The key point to note is this: The fragment-assembly rules are different for each language.

This means that if variable parts are required for an N2SIP deployment, it is also necessary to install the relevant variable parts “codec”1 for each required language.

The English variable part codec is provided as part of the based product. Other language variable part codecs are licensed separately.

Codec Capabilities

This section also describes the capabilities, features, and limitations of each language codec.

Fragment Recordings

Note that N-Squared does not provide voice recording services. When deploying a variable parts codec, the end-user is responsible for providing the necessary audio files for all of the variable part audio fragments.

This recording work will need to be done in each language for which variable parts are to be used, and using the same voice as the other static announcements for that language.

This section of the document exists specifically to describe the exact list of audio fragments which need to be recorded, to create a recording script for each language.

  1. Strictly speaking, a “codec” is an encode/decode library. The term is used here even though variable parts are only ever “encoded” and never “decoded”. ↩︎