Application Parameters

N2SCP Application Configuration

In addition to the common N2SVCD application parameters, all N2SCP applications support common top-level per-instance application parameters, defined in the parameters section of the application configuration. Each parameter must have a name and a value.

A sample application parameters configuration might be:

    <application name="<application instance name>" module="DsgScpApp">
        <parameter name="trace_level" value="1" />
        <parameter name="trace_level_max" value="1" />
        <parameter name="trace_per_second" value="1" />
        <parameter name="retention_count" value="20" />
        <parameter name="edr_enabled" value="1" />
        <parameter name="edr_app_name" value="EDR" />
        <parameter name="default_edr_stream_key" value="n2dsg" />
        <!-- Other N2SCP application-specific parameters -->

Configuration Details

The available parameter types for all N2SCP application instances are:

Attribute Type Description
parameters Array Array of name = value Parameters for this Application instance.
"min_grant_secs" 1 - 120 The shortest grant (in seconds) which the service logic (typically instructed by the external OCS) will be permitted to apply in real-time. Any attempt by the service logic (or OCS) to use a lower value than this will cause the charged call processing to be aborted.
Very short grant periods will cause significantly increased call processing overheads. The shortest allowable grant period must be at least one second higher than the configured `service_logic_ms` processing window.
(Default = 5 seconds).
"correlation_id_ms" 10 - 5000 The limit (in milliseconds) in which the SigtranApp must return our correlation ID when we request one for including in the EstablishTemporaryConnection for an off-switch SRF interaction.
(Default = 1500 milliseconds).
"default_tcap_immediate_ms" 10 - 5000 The limit (in milliseconds) within which an "immediate" TCAP component must arrive after another message. For example, at the end of a call we expect any of the following applicable components (CallInformation, EventReportBCSM, ApplyChargingReport) to arrive "immediately" one after the other.
Individual SSP models may override this value.
(Default = 500 milliseconds).
"default_tcap_margin_ms" 10 - 15000 The grace period (in milliseconds) within which a medium/long-term expected TCAP component may arrive late because of allowance for processing and network time.
Specifically for SSP it allows an (Answer/NoAnswer) EventReportBCSM to arrive slightly after the applicationTimer timeout.
For SSP it also allows the first message at the end of the call (e.g. ApplyChargingReport, EventReportBCSM, or CallInformationReport) to be slightly later than the aChBillingChargingCharacteristics contents strictly specify.
For an SRF definition, this parameter adds a margin on top of max_pa_secs or max_pacui_secs to allow for network/processing delay.
Individual SSP models may override this value.
Individual SRF definitions may override this value.
(Default = 3000 milliseconds).
"default_max_monitored_call_secs" 300 - 7200 The is the permitted maximum duration of a "Monitored", which is a call which uses Disconnect ERBCSM to monitor the duration of the call but which does not use the "Charged" call mechanism to perform initial/extension grants.
A Monitored call may use CallInformationReport and or ActivityTest, but in any case this maximum duration still applies.
Individual SSP models may override this value.
(Default = 7200 seconds).
"default_max_charged_call_secs" 300 - 86400 This is the maximum total granted talk time that the SCP layer will ever permit for a "Charged" call either using ApplyCharging or the CAMEL1 alternative using only ActivityTest. If the service logic (typically instructed by the OCS) attempts to grant a call longer than this duration, the SCP layer will truncate the grant to the configured duration and forcibly terminate the call when that time expires.
Individual SSP models may override this value.
(Default = 86400 seconds).
"default_ac_crossover_ms" 10 - 5000 The limit (in milliseconds) within which an EventReportBCSM and/or CallInformationReport may be received without an ApplyChargingReport at the end of a charged call while the most recent ApplyChargingReport is being processed.
Individual SSP models may override this value.
(Default = 500 milliseconds).
"default_activity_test_result_ms" 10 - 5000 The limit (in milliseconds) within which an ActivityTestResult response must arrive after being requested.
Individual SSP models may override this value.
(Default = 1000 milliseconds).
"default_max_pa_secs" 5 - 3600 This is the maximum allowed duration of interaction resulting from sending PlayAnnouncement to this (on-switch or external) SRF. The SRF connection will be aborted if SpecializedResourceReport is not received within this time.
The additional global TCAP round-trip allowance tcap_margin_ms will be added to this value.
Individual SRF definitions may override this value.
(Default = 300 seconds).
"default_max_pacui_secs" 5 - 3600 This is the maximum allowed duration of interaction resulting from sending PromptAndCollectUserInformation to this (on-switch or external) SRF. The SRF connection will be aborted if PromptAndCollectUserInformationResult is not received within this time.
The additional global TCAP round-trip allowance tcap_margin_ms will be added to this value.
Individual SRF definitions may override this value.
(Default = 300 seconds).
"default_max_etc_ms" 10 - 5000 This is the maximum time that the SCP layer will allow between sending EstablishTemporaryConnection to the SSP and receiving AssistRequestInstructions from the SRF. The SRF connection process will be aborted if the ARI is not received within this time window.
Individual SRF definitions may override this value.
(Default = 4000 milliseconds).
"edr_initialdp_extended" 0 / 1 / yes / no Include extended InitialDP fields in INITIALDP event EDRs?
(Default = 0, not included).
"private_digits" 0 / 1 / yes / no By default, should collected digits be treated as private and masked in PLAYED EDRs?
(Default = 0, not masked).
"connect_send_original" Boolean Whether to send the original called party digits in Connect messages. This may be inserted if this value was present in the received InitialDP (in which case the value will be copied directly) or when number translation or redirection occurs (in which case the value inserted will be taken from either the calledPartyBCDNumber or the calledPartyNumber field in the received InitialDP, as appropriate).
Note that for anything other than special number handling, the N2SCP application must still explicitly request any digits to be sent or copied.
(Default = 1).
"connect_send_redirecting" Boolean Whether to send the redirecting party digits in Connect messages. This may be inserted when number translation or redirection occurs (in which case the value inserted will be the denormalised value of the selected subscriber) or when a redirectingPartyID is present in the received InitialDP (in which case the value will be copied directly).
Note that for anything other than special number handling, the N2SCP application must still explicitly request any digits to be sent or copied.
(Default = 1).
"connect_send_redirection" Boolean Whether to send redirection information in Connect messages. This may be inserted when number translation or redirection occurs (in which case the values inserted will be created) or when redirectingInformation is present in the received InitialDP (in which case the values will be copied directly).
Note that for anything other than special number handling, the N2SCP application must still explicitly request any information to be sent or copied.
(Default = 1).