Termination (Attempt)


An SCP Lua script may request that the call be terminated to a B-Party by sending INAP Continue or INAP Connect on the SSP transaction using RequestReportBCSMEvent to arm for the Answer, NoAnswer, Busy, RouteSelectFailure, and Abandon event detection points.

The Disconnect EDPs are not armed. There will be no ApplyCharging, nor CallInformationRequest.

The use of FurnishChargingInformation and/or SendChargingInformation is optional.

If an SRF is currently open then a prior DisconnectForwardConnection will be sent on the SSP transaction, and any external SRF transaction will be ended according to the applicable SRF configuration.

The processing will suspend until one of the armed EDPs is returned, or a guard timer expires. If the call is Answered or Abandoned or timed-out then no further telephony methods are permitted.

If the call result is Busy, NoAnswer, or RouteSelectFailure, then the service logic may carry on and attempt other telephony actions.

The LhoScpLuaService Termination (Attempt) API


This method provides full access to the Termination (Attempt) mechanism and is provided for use by custom service developers. In the majority of scenarios, one of the subsequently-described convenience methods should be sufficient and preferable. However, this full-featured alternative is provided for use by complex or non-standard services.

This method sends INAP Connect if the .address_digits is present, or INAP Continue if the address digits are not specified.

This method takes a single details parameter which is a Lua table with the following structure:

Field Type Description
details Object [Required] The detailed SCP control parameters for the message.
.no_answer_timeout Integer Specify the value to send in the dPSpecificCriteria.applicationTimer.
For CAMEL1 MSCs this value is used for an internal SCP NoAnswer timer.
This value must not exceed the configured possible maximum value for the SSP model.
(Default = use the default configured for the SSP model, if any).
.fci String Specify the content of the FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics in the FurnishChargingInformation to send.
(Default = do not send FurnishChargingInformation).
.sci String Specify the content of the sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics in the SendChargingInformation to send.
(Default = do not send SendChargingInformation).
.address_digits Digit String Specify the normalised destinationRoutingAddress digits (only 0-9A-F).
The applicable configured 'called_party' denormalisation on the LhoScpApp will be applied.
If this field is present, then INAP Connect will be used, else INAP Continue is sent.
.orig_called_digits Digit String This field is only relevant when address_digits is specified.
Specify the normalised destinationRoutingAddress digits (only 0-9A-F).
The applicable configured 'calling_party' denormalisation on the LhoScpApp will be applied.
(Default = not present).
.redirecting_digits Digit String This field is only relevant when address_digits is specified.
Specify the normalised redirectingPartyID digits (only 0-9A-F).
The applicable configured 'calling_party' denormalisation on the LhoScpApp will be applied.
(Default = not present).
.redirection_info Object This field is only relevant when address_digits is specified.
(Default = not present).
.orig_reason 0 - 15 Specify an explicit redirection information original reason.
(Default = 0).
.indicator 0 - 7 Specify an explicit redirection information indicator.
(Default = 0).
.reason 0 - 15 Specify an explicit redirection information reason.
(Default = 0).
.national_use 0 / 1 Specify an explicit redirection information national use value.
(Default = 0).
.counter 0 - 7 Specify an explicit redirection information counter.
(Default = 1).
.bparty_beep Object Specify a simple Boolean value true to request that a post-answer B-Party beep be played (if supported).
(Default = do not play a post-answer beep to the B-Party).
.play Boolean Specifies that the beep should be played.
(Default = true when the bparty_beep container is present).
.id Integer Override the default announcement ID.
(Default = use the default configured for the SSP model).
.monitored Boolean Set this flag to indicated that the Monitored Termination type is to be used.
(Default = do not use the Monitored Termination type).
.charged Boolean Set this flag to indicated that the Charged Termination type is to be used.
(Default = do not use the Charged Termination type).
.max_call_secs Integer When the call is being terminated using the Monitored or Charged Termination type, this is the requested hard-cap maximum permitted talk-time (in seconds).
(Default = default maximum call duration for the applicable SSP model).
.monitor_interval_secs Integer When the call is being terminated using the Monitored Termination type, this is the requested monitor report interval (in seconds).
(Default = default monitor report interval for the applicable SSP model).
.grant_secs Integer [Required for Charged] When the call is being terminated using the Charged termination type, this is the grant time (in seconds).
.release_at_expiry 0 / 1 Is this the (first and) only grant? Should the call (both legs) be released when this grant is entirely exhausted.
(Default = this is not the only grant).
.cause 0 - 127 Specify an explicit release cause to when releasing the call at expiry of the grant time.
(Default = default release cause for the applicable SSP model).
.release_tone 0 / 1 Should a tone be played (if supported) when performing this final grant?
(Default = default release tone flag value for the applicable SSP model).

The termination_attempt method returns a structure indicating the result of the termination attempt.

Attribute Type Description
.controlled Boolean Is this call still controlled, i.e. can subsequent telephony actions be performed?
This will be `true` when the `.edp_name` is `oCalledPartyBusy_leg2`, `tBusy_leg2`, `oNoAnswer_leg2`, `tNoAnswer_leg2`, `routeSelectFailure_leg2`. This will be `false` when the `.edp_name` is `oAnswer_leg2`, `tAnswer_leg2`, `oAbandon_leg1`, or `tAbandon_leg1`.
.answered Boolean Was this call answered?
This will be `true` when the `.edp_name` is `oAnswer_leg2`, `tAnswer_leg2`. This will be `false` for all other EDPs.
.monitored Boolean Is this call currently being monitored, i.e. do you now need to call monitor_check ()?
This will be `true` when the original call specified monitored = true and the call was answered.
.charged Boolean Is this call currently being charged, i.e. do you now need to call charged_check ()?
This will be `true` when the original call specified charged = true and the call was answered.
.scp Object Container for various SCP details.
.edp_name String This will be one of `oCalledPartyBusy_leg2`, `tBusy_leg2`, `oNoAnswer_leg2`, `tNoAnswer_leg2`, `routeSelectFailure_leg2`, `oAnswer_leg2`, `tAnswer_leg2`, `oAbandon_leg1`, or `tAbandon_leg1`.
.ring_dsm Integer [Required] The ring-time (in deci-seconds) as measured by us.
This is the time between us sending the Connect or Continue and us receiving the EventReportBCSM (Answer).
.max_call_secs Integer When the call is being terminated using the Monitored or Charged termination type, this returned value is the hard-cap maximum permitted talk-time (in seconds).
If the service logic requested a specific maximum talk time, then this will be that value, adjusted for any boundary constraints.
If the service logic did not request a specific value, then this will be the configured applicable default value for the SSP model.
.monitor_interval_secs Integer When the call is being terminated using the Monitored termination type, this returned value is monitor reporting interval (in seconds).
If the service logic requested a specific monitor reporting interval, then this will be that value, adjusted for any boundary constraints.
If the service logic did not request a specific value, then this will be the configured applicable default value for the SSP model.
.grant_secs Integer When the call is being terminated using the Charged termination type, this returned value is grant time (in seconds).
This is the value as requested by the service logic, adjusted for any boundary constraints.

Example (connect to called party with a prefix, no FCI, no SCI, redirection, not monitored/charged):

local n2svcd = require "n2.n2svcd"
local scp_api = require "n2.n2svcd.scp"

local scp_call = ...

local result = scp_api.termination_attempt ({
    address_digits = '1703' .. scp_call.normalised_called_party,
    redirecting_digits = '00889001234',
    redirection_info = { reason = 4, counter = 1 }

if (result.answered) then
    n2svcd.notice ("CALL ANSWERED = YES")

    if (result.controlled) then
        n2svcd.notice ('Controlled after EDP Name = %s', result.scp.edp_name)
        scp_api.release_call (5)

        n2svcd.notice ('Control Lost after EDP Name = %s', result.scp.edp_name)



This is a convenience method for calling termination_attempt () which specifies the most commonly used parameters but no address digits, meaning that INAP Continue will be used.

The continue_attempt method takes the following arguments:

Attribute Type Description
no_answer_timeout Integer Specify the NoAnswer timeout to pass to the switch.
(Default = use the default configured in LhoScpApp, if any).
fci String Specify the content of the FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics in the FurnishChargingInformation to send.
(Default = do not send FurnishChargingInformation).
sci String Specify the content of the sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics in the SendChargingInformation to send.
(Default = do not send SendChargingInformation).

The continue_attempt method returns the same result structure as termination_attempt.

Example (continue with 30 second NoAnswer timer, not monitored/charged):

local n2svcd = require "n2.n2svcd"
local scp_api = require "n2.n2svcd.scp"

local scp_call = ...

local result = scp_api.continue_attempt (30)

-- If result.controlled = true then we are still in control of the call.
if (result.controlled) then
    n2svcd.notice ('Controlled after EDP Name = %s', result.scp.edp_name)
    scp_api.release_call (5)

    n2svcd.notice ('Control Lost after EDP Name = %s', result.scp.edp_name)



This is a convenience method for calling termination_attempt () which specifies the most commonly used parameters including address digits, meaning that INAP Connect will be used.

The connect_attempt method takes the following arguments:

Attribute Type Description
address_digits Digit String Specify the normalised destinationRoutingAddress digits (only 0-9A-F).
The applicable configured 'called_party' denormalisation on the LhoScpApp will be applied.
If this field is present, then INAP Connect will be used, else INAP Continue is sent.
no_answer_timeout Integer Specify the NoAnswer timeout to pass to the switch.
(Default = use the default configured in LhoScpApp, if any).
fci String Specify the content of the FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics in the FurnishChargingInformation to send.
(Default = do not send FurnishChargingInformation).
sci String Specify the content of the sCIBillingChargingCharacteristics in the SendChargingInformation to send.
(Default = do not send SendChargingInformation).
bparty_beep Object Specify a simple Boolean value true to request that a post-answer B-Party beep be played (if supported).
(Default = do not play a post-answer beep to the B-Party).
.play Boolean Specifies that the beep should be played.
(Default = true when the bparty_beep container is present).
.id Integer Override the default announcement ID.
(Default = use the default configured for the SSP model).

The connect_attempt method returns the same result structure as termination_attempt.

Example (connect to called party with a prefix, default NoAnswer, with FCI, not monitored/charged):

local n2svcd = require "n2.n2svcd"
local scp_api = require "n2.n2svcd.scp"

local scp_call = ...
local called_party = '1703' .. scp_call.normalised_called_party

-- Binary in Lua is decimal-specified.
local fci_bin = '\01\02\03\04\255\238\221'

local result = scp_api.connect_attempt (called_party, nil, fci_bin)
if (result.answered) then
    n2svcd.notice ("CALL ANSWERED = YES")

-- This will automatically release the call (if needed) with default release cause.

Example (connect to called party with a prefix, default NoAnswer, no FCI/SCI, B-Party beep with explicit ID, not monitored/charged):

local n2svcd = require "n2.n2svcd"
local scp_api = require "n2.n2svcd.scp"

local scp_call = ...
local called_party = '1703' .. scp_call.normalised_called_party

local result = scp_api.connect_attempt (called_party, nil, nil, nil, { id = 1300 })
if (result.answered) then
    n2svcd.notice ("CALL ANSWERED = YES")

-- This will automatically release the call (if needed) with default release cause.


This is a convenience method for calling termination_attempt () which sets the monitored Termination type flag, and allows for the setting of some commonly used parameters including address digits, meaning that INAP Connect will be used.

Setting the monitored flag means that the service logic will continue to be in the call control path for the duration of the talk time, and will receive monitor notification events after the successful ActivityTest/ActivityTestResult performs for each monitor interval.

When the connect_monitored () method (or a direct call to the termination_attempt ()) returns answered = true, the service logic is obliged to repeatedly call the monitor_check () method until the returned result no longer indicates that the call is being monitored.

The connect_monitored method takes the following arguments:

Attribute Type Description
address_digits Digit String Specify the normalised destinationRoutingAddress digits (only 0-9A-F).
The applicable configured 'called_party' denormalisation on the LhoScpApp will be applied.
If this field is present, then INAP Connect will be used, else INAP Continue is sent.
no_answer_timeout Integer Specify the NoAnswer timeout to pass to the switch.
(Default = use the default configured in LhoScpApp, if any).
monitor_interval_secs Integer The requested monitor report interval (in seconds).
(Default = default monitor report interval for the applicable SSP model).
max_call_secs Integer The requested hard-cap maximum permitted talk-time (in seconds).
(Default = default maximum call duration for the applicable SSP model).

The connect_monitored method returns the same result structure as termination_attempt.

Example (monitored connect to a fixed number, 30 second monitor intervals, 600 seconds maximum call duration):

local n2svcd = require "n2.n2svcd"
local scp_api = require "n2.n2svcd.scp"

local scp_call = ...

local called_party = '07119222'

local result = scp_api.connect_monitored (called_party, nil, 30, 600)
if (result.answered) then
    n2svcd.notice ("CALL ANSWERED = YES")

        result = scp_api.monitor_check ()
    until (not result.monitored)

-- This will automatically release the call (if needed) with default release cause.

.monitor_check [Asynchronous]

This monitor check method must be called by any script using monitored calls, after a monitored call attempt has been answered.

The logic must repeat calls to result = scp_api.monitor_check until not result.monitored.

The script may perform other protocol actions prior to each invocation of monitor_check. These may include asynchronous actions, e.g. Diameter client or REST client actions via the corresponding agent.

See also the subsequent sections related to follow-on telephony actions, and to service-initiated hangup during monitored calls for further discussion of how the monitor_check method interacts with other telephony methods.

The monitor_check method takes no arguments.

The monitor_check method returns a table with the following structure:

Attribute Type Description
.controlled Boolean [Required] Is this call still controlled at all right now.
This value being true indicates that (at least some) telephony API actions can be performed by service logic.
Note that in some cases the available control actions may be limited.
.monitored Boolean [Required] Is this call still monitored.
When this value returns true it indicates that the A-Leg to B-Leg talk-time is still in progress, and the total talk time has reached the sum of all monitoring report intervals to-date.
When this value returns false it indicates that the A-Leg to B-Leg talk-time is ended, the end-of-call information fields will be present, and the service logic does not need to call monitor_check any more.
.scp Object Container for various SCP details.
.monitored_secs Integer What is the total talk time confirmed by this and all previous reports.
This value is present only when returned .monitored = true.
.edp_name String [Required] The name of the Event Detection Point which fired.
One of: oAbandon_leg1, tAbandon_leg1, oDisconnect_leg1, or tDisconnect_leg1.
This value is present only when .monitored is not true.
.ring_dsm Integer The ring-time (in deci-seconds) as measured by us, present if and only if the call was answered.
This is the same value as originally returned by termination_attempt or connect_monitored.
This value is present only when .monitored is not true.
.talk_dsm_total Integer The total measured talk time (in deci-seconds) from receiving answer notification to receiving disconnect notification.
This value is present only if the Termination type was Charged or Montored, and the call was answered.
This value is present only when .monitored is not true.
.cause Integer The value of the received tBusySpecificInfo/tBusyCause_cause OR tNoAnswerSpecificInfo/tNoAnswerCause if received.
This value is present only when .monitored is not true.
.forward 1 Present with value 1 iff tBusySpecificInfo/forwardedCall OR tNoAnswerSpecificInfo/forwardedCall was received.
This container is present only when .monitored is not true.
.cir Object Container for any returned CallInformationReport fields which were received.
This value is present only when .monitored is not true.
.callAttemptElapsedTimeValue Integer The value from the received CallInformationReport.
.callStopTimeValue_yyyymmddhhmmss String The 14-character value from the received CallInformationReport in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format.
.callConnectedElapsedTimeValue Integer The value from the received CallInformationReport.
.calledAddressValue_digits Hex Digits The value from the received CallInformationReport.
.calledAddressValue_noa Integer The value from the received CallInformationReport.
.calledAddressValue_nqi Integer The value from the received CallInformationReport.
.calledAddressValue_ni Integer The value from the received CallInformationReport.
.calledAddressValue_npi Integer The value from the received CallInformationReport.
.calledAddressValue_pri Integer The value from the received CallInformationReport.
.calledAddressValue_si Integer The value from the received CallInformationReport.
.releaseCauseValue_cause Integer The value from the received CallInformationReport.

If the call successfully completes the entire monitoring interval with both legs still connected, then the return value is:

If the B-Leg is terminated but the A-Leg is still available, then follow-on telephony is possible, and the return is:

If the A-Leg is terminated, then the B-Leg will also be terminated and the return is:


This is a convenience method for calling termination_attempt () which sets the charged Termination type flag, and allows for the setting of some commonly used parameters including address digits, meaning that INAP Connect will be used.

Setting the charged flag means that the service logic will continue to be in the call control path for the duration of the talk time, and will be requested to perform subsequent grants in relation to the ApplyCharging/ApplyChargingReport which are performed for each charge grant period.

When the connect_monitored () method (or a direct call to the termination_attempt ()) returns answered = true, the service logic is obliged to repeatedly call the charge_check () method until the returned result no longer indicates that the call is being charged. See the description below of charge_check () for the use of charge_extend () and charge_deny () after charge_check returns a result with charged = true.

The connect_charged method takes the following arguments:

Attribute Type Description
address_digits Digit String Specify the normalised destinationRoutingAddress digits (only 0-9A-F).
The applicable configured 'called_party' denormalisation on the LhoScpApp will be applied.
If this field is present, then INAP Connect will be used, else INAP Continue is sent.
no_answer_timeout Integer Specify the NoAnswer timeout to pass to the switch.
(Default = use the default configured in LhoScpApp, if any).
grant_secs Integer [Required] The initial grant period (in seconds).
max_call_secs Integer The requested hard-cap maximum permitted talk-time (in seconds).
(Default = default maximum call duration for the applicable SSP model).
release_at_expiry 0 / 1 Is this the (first and) only grant and should the call (both legs) be released when this grant is entirely exhausted?
(Default = false, this is not the only grant).
.release_tone 0 / 1 Should a tone be played (if supported) when performing this final grant?
(Default = default release tone flag value for the applicable SSP model).

The connect_charged method returns the same result structure as termination_attempt.

Example (charged connect to the original number, 60 second initial grant):

local n2svcd = require "n2.n2svcd"
local scp_api = require "n2.n2svcd.scp"

local scp_call = ...

local called_party = scp_call.normalised_called_party

local result = scp_api.connect_charged (called_party, nil, 60)
if (result.answered) then
    n2svcd.notice ("CALL ANSWERED = YES")

    local num_extends = 0

    while (true) do
        result = scp_api.charge_check ()

        if (not result.charged) then break end

        num_extends = num_extends + 1

        -- Allow two open-ended extensions.
        if (num_extends < 3) then
            scp_api.charge_extend (60)

        -- The final extension we set the release_at_expiry flag, the call will be ended by us.
            scp_api.charge_extend (60, true)

-- This will automatically release the call (if needed) with default release cause.

.charge_check [Asynchronous]

This charge check method must be called by any script using charged calls, after the charged call attempt has initially been answered, and then subsequently after each call to charge_extend.

The script may perform other protocol actions prior to each invocation of charge_check. These may include asynchronous actions, e.g. Diameter client or REST client actions via the corresponding agent.

See also the subsequent sections related to follow-on telephony actions, and to service-initiated hangup during monitored calls for further discussion of how the charge_check method interacts with other telephony methods.

The charge_check method takes no arguments.

The charge_check method returns a table with the following structure:

Attribute Type Description
.controlled Boolean [Required] Is this call still controlled at all right now.
This value being true indicates that (at least some) telephony API actions can be performed by service logic.
Note that in some cases the available control actions may be limited.
.charged Boolean [Required] Is this call still charged.
When this value returns true it indicates that the A-Leg to B-Leg talk-time is still in progress, and the total talk time has reached the sum of the initial grant and all subsequent grant intervals to-date.
.error String This field will be present in the case of an unhandled exception in the SCP control logic.
The following fields will not be present. Specifically, `.scp.talk_ds_total` will be absent.
The Lua service script should maintain a running record of the last confirmed `talk_ds_total` in order to prevent loss-of-revenue in the case of protocol or system exception.
.scp Object Container for various SCP details.
.talk_ds_total Integer The total talk-time (in deci-seconds) reported by the network.
.talk_ds_last Integer The portion of the talk-time (in deci-seconds) used from the last approved grant.
In general this will be equal to the last grant time.
.edp_name String [Required] The name of the Event Detection Point which fired.
One of: oAbandon_leg1, tAbandon_leg1, oDisconnect_leg1, or tDisconnect_leg1.
This value is present only when .charged is not true.
.ring_dsm Integer The ring-time (in deci-seconds) as measured by us, present if and only if the call was answered.
This is the same value as originally returned by termination_attempt or connect_monitored.
This value is present only when .charged is not true.
.talk_dsm_total Integer The total measured talk time (in deci-seconds) from receiving answer notification to receiving disconnect notification.
This value is present only if the Termination type was Charged or Montored, and the call was answered.
This value is present only when .charged is not true.
.cause Integer The value of the received tBusySpecificInfo/tBusyCause_cause OR tNoAnswerSpecificInfo/tNoAnswerCause if received.
This value is present only when .charged is not true.
.forward 1 Present with value 1 iff tBusySpecificInfo/forwardedCall OR tNoAnswerSpecificInfo/forwardedCall was received.
This container is present only when .charged is not true.
.cir Object Container for any returned CallInformationReport fields which were received.
This value is present only when .charged is not true.
This container has the same structure as defined for the monitor_check () returned result.

If the call successfully completes the total granted time with both legs still connected, then the return value is:

If the B-Leg is terminated but the A-Leg is still available, then follow-on telephony is possible, and the return is:

If the A-Leg is terminated, then the B-Leg will also be terminated and the return is:

Note: In some exception cases,

.charge_extend [Synchronous]

This charge grant method must be called by any script using charged calls, whenever the charge_check method returns result.charged = true and the service decides to grant a subsequent talk-time extension.

If the service does not wish to grant a talk-time extension, it should use the charge_deny () method instead.

The service may know in advance that this is to be the final permitted extension in which case it may use the release_at_expiry flag to request the service to automatically end the call (both legs) when this grant is consumed.

The script may perform other protocol actions prior to each invocation of charge_extend. These may include asynchronous actions, e.g. Diameter client or REST client actions via the corresponding agent.

See also the subsequent sections related to follow-on telephony actions, and to service-initiated hangup during monitored calls for further discussion of how the charge_extend method interacts with other telephony methods.

The charge_extend method takes the following arguments:

Field Type Description
grant_secs Integer [Required] Request the additional granted talk-time interval in seconds.
The LhoScpApp may enforce minimum and maximum bounds for this value.
release_at_expiry 0 / 1 Is this the known-final grant? Should the call (both legs) be released when this grant is entirely exhausted.
(Default = this is not the known-final grant).
cause 0 - 127 Specify an explicit release cause to when releasing the call at expiry of the grant time.
(Default = default release cause for the applicable SSP model).
.release_tone 0 / 1 Should a tone be played (if supported) when performing this final grant?
(Default = default release tone flag value for the applicable SSP model).

The charge_extend method returns true.

.charge_deny [Synchronous]

This charge grant method must be called by any script using charged calls, whenever the charge_check method returns result.charged = true and the service decides NOT to grant a subsequent talk-time extension.

The script may perform other protocol actions prior to the invocation of charge_deny. These may include asynchronous actions, e.g. Diameter client or REST client actions via the corresponding agent.

The call be torn-down (both legs).

NOTE: After calling charge_deny, the service logic must return and call charge_check one final time.

In this final case, charge_check is guaranteed to return charged = false to indicate that the call is no longer under charge control.

NOTE: Due to race conditions, it is possible that the A-Party or B-Party may hang-up in the background, prior to the charge deny operation being executed. Hence the returned value of the final call to charge_check may represent either:

The charge_deny method takes the following arguments:

Field Type Description
cause 0 - 127 Specify an explicit release cause to when releasing the call at expiry of the grant time.
(Default = default release cause for the applicable SSP model).

The charge_deny method returns true.

Limited Telephony within Monitor/Charge

The termination_attempt, monitor_check, and charge_check methods can return:

This is a limited form of telephony control. The service may in theory invoke:

All of these will result in an unclean shutdown.

Follow-On Telephony after Monitor/Charge

The monitor_check and charge_check methods can return:

This occurs when the B-Leg of the monitored/charged call ends, but the A-Leg is still available.

At this time, all of the standard telephony methods are now available, including follow-on interaction and/or B-Leg termination.

Slow Service Logic

All service logic must respond promptly, within the service_logic_ms timer (default = 2500 milliseconds) configured for the LhoScpApp.

If the service logic response is not received within this time whenever it is expected, then the LhoScpApp will assume that call control has been abandoned, and will terminate the in-progress call with the loss of all legs.